Where To Find Me??

Well, there are a few simple ways to really "find" me on Animal Jam. Listed bellow:     hjk

1.  Probably the most easy way, look me up in your buddy list, request me, and I will accept (as I always do to anyone who asks)

2. You can always comment on my blog and ask when I will or am online.

Weekdays: Since of school, I may not blog, BUT if anything I would be on around 7:00PM to around
   9:00PM. But I really am not sure. I will update this often.
Weekends: It usually varies. Either in the morning ( 9:00AM to around 12:00PM) or the same as weekdays.

3. Just "look-around". I know it is pretty hard to do that. I usually play as my fox or bunny with my green tag to make it easier.

4. And I am usually in these servers:

OR the most empty one. Those servers shown are the only ones I actually go on to make it easier, once again.

1 comment:

Please, I mean really,PLEASE, comment nicely. If it just HAS to be mean, don't swear or use bad language. I'm not fond of swearing people. So please be respectful in your comments. Either way, you shouldn't be posting mean comments.