All About Me!

My Dog Molly

                         ME, me, me, ME, me, and ME!
I really don't like to be vain, but I thought it might be nice to have a page about me. Really, I am pretty laid back, I'm patient, kind, caring (I REALLY am I seriously care about everybody, even weirdos), smart (see VAIN), sweet, crafty, loving, "fun", and well I could just go on and on on. But I think I should just stop here.

Animals  Some things I like:
  • Animal Jam (of course I am making a whole blog about it)
  • Anything with crafts (I can sew, draw, knit a LITTLE, scrap-book, and a ton of others, BUT not crochet.)
  • Friends, and hanging out with them.
  • Spending time with Family 
  • Swimming (Summer)
  • The Boston Bruins (My favorite team, Don't judge me!)
  • Blogging
  • Pets (I have 2, a dog, and a fish ... and if you count little brothers, 3.)
  • Dogs, and anything to do with them... well... not EVERYTHING.
  • Adventures, Walks, Hikes, Rides, ect. 
  • School (I know weird but I like it... not everything though.)
  • I like to read, especially my favorite magazines, Martha Stewart Living, and Dog Fancy/Natural Dog, and books I connect to. 
  • TV, of course my favorite shows! I love Escape To Chimp Eden and Tanked on Animal Planet. Also, I like Sponge-Bob Square Pants on Nickelodeon. (I mean who doesn't.) I like JessieGravity Falls and Mr.Young on Disney Channel. And oddly, I like Gaspard and Lisa, and Charlie and Lola on Disney Junior. (I know weird but I got into it after watching it with my little brother.) I sometimes watch Regular Show and Adventure Time on Cartoon Network or Sprout  (OMG annoying "Poppy Cat") with my brother.  Also I like Cake Boss on TLC. And of course, The Big Bang Theory. It may seem like I watch TV a lot.. but I really don't.These are just the shows I actually watch. And NO Dance Moms. (And these are the shows I don't make fun of, I barely watch TV.)
  • I like jumping in puddles, but I always regret it because I get soaked. 
  • Clean, not dirty, clean. Not like clutter and junk, clean. Not always.
                                                             I'll add more if I think of any. IF there is ANY room.

And some things I dislike:
  • When people are sick-sick, I really do.
  • Drama
  • Talk Shows (GEEZ THEY ARE SOO ANNOYING, to me anyway.)
  • Mac-N-Cheese
  • Coffee
  • Seafood (Except fish sticks :D)
  • When people are sarcastic, sometimes.
  • When people tell people stuff about you that isn't true (so lying)
  • Lying (again)
  • When people leave their dog's "stuff" on your front lawn and you step in it
  • Medicine (Except that pink stuff that tastes like bubble-gum when you get an ear-infection)
  • Pain, ear-infections, anything in the "pain" topic. BUT I don't mine watching my dad play Army games, that is a whole different story.
  • Spiders, cobwebs, more spiders, and their cobwebs! (I hate spiders, BUT I have my brave moments when I kill them and that is like .5% of the time.)
  • All this weird junk you find in your basement that you were looking for sometime ago and then forgot and then found it. Any place really. 
  • When you have these dreams and visions and you feel what is going to happen next, or that it already happened. Well, I get those things. BUT I no psychic. (Except a FEW times.)
  • When my cell-phone's battery dies, man I just wanted to play UNO.
  • When your pencil breaks and then you have to use a pen and its ink gets all over you. Same with sharpies.   
  • Swearing for no apparent reason. (I just don't get it. Like anybody can just do something like #@$!^*&< for NO reason. Now that I just wrote that the symbols don't spell out any words [good]) 
  • When people talk about you behind your back, I mean 5% of the time it's a good thing but the rest, well, only God knows that. 
  • Having pernio. UGH. Toes........ (Should I go into explanation sometime?)
                                                            I'll add more if I think of any and if there is room!
                                                            And I probably will.


Please, I mean really,PLEASE, comment nicely. If it just HAS to be mean, don't swear or use bad language. I'm not fond of swearing people. So please be respectful in your comments. Either way, you shouldn't be posting mean comments.