

                        Did you know this?  
  •  There are 42  "lands" on Animal Jam, including parties and the map, rooms, not dens.
  • There is a half an hour difference of each party. (At least for my time-zone.)    
  • There are 19 animals to play as on Animal Jam.
  • There is a seal carved in ice in Mt. Shiveer with a tiny opening like a cave. It is believed to be a cave where if you break the ice you fall in the "ice-water" and enter a tunnel and come out of that opening and receive an "ice glove". But seriously, I don't think that would ever happen, to me, it is a myth.   
  • There are 1,728 different combinations of making a hot cocoa. Figured out by my amazing math skills.
    • Have you noticed that the notebook in the Flag Shop downstairs says "LOG" on it? Weird. (Shown at the right.) I wonder what is written in it...  
    • There are 42 prizes in all at the carnival. EXCLUDING tickets bought by gems. 
    • There are 153,600 different combinations of a pet hamster on Animal Jam. I calculated it WITHOUT the name combinations because that would take forever and a half. 


    1. Maybe the log is for guests to sign in an leave messages for other guests

    2. wow, your smart pep!


    Please, I mean really,PLEASE, comment nicely. If it just HAS to be mean, don't swear or use bad language. I'm not fond of swearing people. So please be respectful in your comments. Either way, you shouldn't be posting mean comments.