Bored on AnimalJam?

                                              Bored you say?.... Well here are some things you can do!      ghj
  • You could always make a new account, I mean they are completely free without membership payment. And whenever I make a new account, I just give myself my own stuff for an easy start. When you make a new account, you get to meet Liza the Panda Shaman. I think she's really sweet. 
  •  Decorate your den(s), why not? You can't have enough furniture! Well, actually you can only have a maximum amount but you know what I mean. Look for all the cool furniture selling in the stores, maybe there are "rares" hidden. 
  • Change your outfit(s)! Check out your old clothes or new or any kind! Just be creative, its always cool to have your own special look. Everybody is different and unique in their own special ways. So show yours in your animal(s) looks! 
  • Play some games, get some gems out of them! I suggest either PhantomFighters or BestDressed either underwater or in Coral Canyons to get the most gems. At least in MY opinion, that is where I get the most. I happen to like all of the games though. Some you can even play with friends. 
  •  Go to a party! There are plenty to "choose" from. I put choose in quotes because only certain parties are on at certain times when you are logged in. There is a party every half hour (in my time-zone anyways). But get your party on! OR you can throw your own and invite some friends, or make new ones!
  •  Make some new friends! Well, how can I explain, not sure, it is pretty self-explanatory. I know you can only have 100 BUDDIES but you don't have to add them just to be friends ;) that  is what I sometimes do!  
  • Go to a party! I mean there are PLENTY to choose from! (Some are for certain animals, such as the Wolves Only Party)

1 comment:

  1. Hey do you still play animal jam o.0 ????? PLEASE REPLY, and omg dont ever quit blogging ure awsome.


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